The reactions to the fact that Sweden may have to raise the tax on snus have not been long in coming.

"An unreasonable proposal," writes Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) on Twitter. 

An opinion shared by MEP Sara Skyttedal (KD), who writes in an email to SVT that "Sweden has the lowest tobacco-related mortality in Europe thanks to snuff.

Regulating or taxing the main reason why we have succeeded in reducing the number of smokers in Sweden also clearly conflicts with the EU's own anti-cancer strategy".

"Way too cheap today"

But not everyone is unhappy.

Helen Stjerna, secretary general of the non-profit organization A Non Smoking Generation, is satisfied with the proposal from the European Commission.

- Today it is far too cheap to sniff traditional snuff, but above all white snuff, and we see that increased prices are something that protects children and young people from starting to snuff.

"Should cost SEK 500"

According to Helen Stjerna, the tobacco companies are good at promoting snus as something harmless, something she herself does not share.

- It's actually not like that.

Although less dangerous than cigarettes, there are still serious health risks with all forms of nicotine.

And if Helen Stjerna herself had to choose, a box of snus would be significantly more expensive than it is today.

- If you factor in the sustainability aspects, maybe a box of snus would cost 500 bucks.