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A bizarre scene was captured on a farm in China where a herd of sheep walked in circles day and night for over 10 days.

The People's Daily, the leading Chinese media, released a video on Twitter of dozens of sheep walking in a large circle on the 12th day in northern Inner Mongolia (Inner Mongolia).

The sheep captured by the farm's CCTV were marching in a circle at a constant speed day and night.

Around the circle, other sheep who were not part of the procession also watched this.

Mao, the owner of the sheep farm, said, "There are about 30 pens on the farm, but this happened only in one pen.

According to Mao, this flock has started to circle since the last 4 days.

It is not known whether the sheep eat or sleep, and whether there are times when they stop drawing circles.

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Experts speculate on two causes for the bizarre behavior of sheep.

The first is whether or not you have ring disease (listeriosis).

Symptoms of whirling disease, which is transmitted through contaminated food, soil, or livestock manure, include depression, loss of appetite, high fever, and partial paralysis, one of which is spinning in a circle.

It is unlikely, however, that Mao's flocks contracted the disease, as animals with whirlwind usually die within 48 hours.

The sheep were also found to be in good health.

The second speculation is that the sheep were stressed and acted like this.

Matt Bell, a professor of agriculture at Hartpury University in the UK, said, "It seems that sheep who have been confined for a long time have been stressed and acted like this," and analyzed it as a kind of 'typical behavior'.

Stereotypic behavior is a repetitive, continuous, but purposeless behavior that occurs mainly in domesticated animals and is one of the representative symptoms of mental illness.

It is an abnormal behavior that animals show when they are under extreme stress, especially when they live confined to a small space.

In fact, many animals living in zoos often show stereotypical behaviors, such as shaking their heads or bodies from side to side or, in severe cases, banging their heads against bars or walls.