When driving without a license and under narcotics, the best thing is to drive quietly, respecting the Highway Code.

A 32-year-old man did just the opposite on Wednesday evening in downtown Toulouse.

Around 10:30 p.m., he entered "at very high speed" on Boulevard de la Marquette, in the city center, and overtook a car, ending the maneuver with a near fishtail.

Except that the car was that, unmarked, of a crew from the anti-crime squad carrying out its night patrol.

After switching on the "two-tone" and the gyro, the police caught up with the hurried motorist without difficulty.

In addition to traffic offenses, the man is under an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF).

His Thursday night escapade could must have serious consequences.

Miscellaneous facts

Toulouse: He offers cannabis to a plainclothes policeman, the arrest turns to stoning


Toulouse: Caught without a license, he tries to swap places with his passenger (and it doesn't work)

  • Miscellaneous facts

  • Toulouse

  • Police

  • driver

  • Dope

  • Occitania