From next school year, the Technology Program and the Electrical and Energy Program at Storsjögymnasiet will start a new education with a focus on cyber security and so-called ethical hacking.

- We don't think there are that many similar educations in Sweden at upper secondary level, says the IT teacher and program manager Johan Näslund.

Future Cyber ​​Soldiers

According to the school, the program should provide a good basis for future career choices such as cyber soldier, security expert and other similar professions that involve detecting cyber threats and other IT security problems.

Amir Jaber is already in the engineering program and enjoys computer programming, but is looking forward to learning more about cyber security as well.

Hear Amir in the clip below:

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Hear what Amir Jaber thinks about the new direction for the technology program - and whether he can imagine working as an "ethical hacker".

Photo: Björn B Schäfer/SVT