Tomorrow... Partly cloudy weather in general, with a chance of rain and a drop in temperatures

The National Center of Meteorology expected that the weather for tomorrow will be partly cloudy in general to cloudy at times, with some cumulus clouds, especially to the east and north, with a chance of rain and a decrease in temperatures, becoming humid at night and Tuesday morning over some internal areas, and the winds are light to moderate in speed, and active to strong at times. with clouds.

The movement of the winds is northwesterly, gradually turning to northeasterly and southeasterly / 15 to 30, reaching 45 km / h.. The waves in the Arabian Gulf are turbulent, especially to the west, and the average waves gradually become in the afternoon.. The first tide occurs at 11:15, and the second tide occurs at 11:15. At 23:28, the first island at 17:41, and the second island at 05:03.

The waves in the Sea of ​​Oman will be light to medium. The first tide will occur at 20:33, the second tide at 07:32, the first tide at 13:50, and the second tide at 02:02.

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