It is the first time that a sitting American president has turned 80, but Joe Biden, whose age is debated as he plans to seek re-election, did not particularly mark the occasion on Sunday.

It took until mid-afternoon for his wife Jill Biden to post an affectionate message, with two photos of the couple dancing in tuxedos and gala attire.

“I wouldn't want to dance with anyone else.

Happy birthday Joe!

I love you,” the First Lady tweeted.

There's no one else I'd rather dance with than you.

Happy Birthday, Joe!

I love you.💕

— Jill Biden (@FLOTUS) November 20, 2022

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No public events planned by the White House

This is the only publication from the White House, which did not plan any public event on Sunday and which had not specifically indicated how, or even if, the president was going to celebrate his birthday.

On Saturday, the president had however celebrated another important family milestone at the White House: the wedding of his granddaughter Naomi, closed to the press.

It is also with the family that the Democrat intends to discuss his possible candidacy for the presidency of 2024. So far, he repeats that he "intends" to start, and has promised to make his decision public at the beginning of the year. next.

A majority of Americans opposed to his representing himself

According to various polls, a majority of Americans reject the idea of ​​a new candidacy.

If Joe Biden is not an exception in the American political landscape, where it is not uncommon to come across influential personalities who have blithely passed 70 or even 75 years of age, the mid-term elections have however brought about the beginning of a change of generation. in his party.

The very influential Nancy Pelosi, 82, for example, gave up Thursday to run for a new term as Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The US president had undergone a detailed medical check-up about a year ago, concluding that he was “vigorous” and “in good health”.

But Joe Biden bears, like the other presidents before him, the marks of an exhausting function.

It is now difficult to forget his age, betrayed by his stiffer gait and certain moments of confusion.


United States: Joe Biden marries his granddaughter at the White House and behind closed doors


United States: Nancy Pelosi hands over to the head of the Democratic Party in the House after two decades

  • World


  • Joe Biden

  • Anniversary

  • US presidential election