New shock action against art by ecologists.

This time, in Paris, an

equestrian statue of the American sculptor and painter, Charles Ray

(Horse and Rider), which stands in front of the entrance to the

Bourse de Commerce

, the headquarters of

the Pinault

collection (art collection contemporary of François Pinault ) in the heart of the French capital.

This time, the

pro-climate collective "Dernière Renovation"

daubed the sculpture with

orange paint, covering it with a t-shirt with the inscription: "858 days left"


A reference to the conclusions of a report by the GIEC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) last spring, according to which humanity

has three years to limit CO2 emissions



The French campaign of civil resistance affirms its belonging to the international civic movement which calls for strong actions by governments in favor of real ecological, social and climatic change

", affirm the activists

in a statement released after the Paris blitz

, assuring: "

the Our goal is neither this statue nor the art


Deploring the inaction of world


during the COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt,

“Dernière Rénovation” calls on citizens to assume their "responsibilities"


Actions like today's in Paris, after those that took place in other major European cities, such as Rome, Madrid or Berlin, activists say, is to warn of the "

very serious risks associated with global warming
