It was in March that the two men raped a woman who was asleep during parts of the abuse.

The rape, which went on for a long time, was filmed by one of the men.

He has also sent a film sequence from the rape to another person.

Both men deny the accusations and state that it was a "triangle" in which they all participated voluntarily. The Uppsala district court does not buy that explanation, but believes that the evidence shows that they were guilty of a crime.

Multi-year prison terms

One man is sentenced to five years in prison for aggravated rape.

He must also pay SEK 215,000 in damages to the woman.

The other man is the one who was the driving force in the aggravated rape, according to the court.

He is also the one who filmed the rapes and shared one of the videos.

According to the forensic psychiatric opinion, he does not suffer from a serious mental disorder, and is therefore sentenced to prison for six and a half years for aggravated rape, rape, aggravated defamation and offensive photography.

He must also pay SEK 225,000 in damages to the woman.

At the same time, he is acquitted of a number of other crimes, including sexual assault, assault and offensive photography.