SSAB invests billions in Luleå.

With the change, there was concern that it would mean fewer jobs and a more automated industry.

That will not be the case, says Luleå's municipal councilor, Carina Sammeli (S).

- We need more accommodation in Luleå.

The population rate must increase when more jobs are available, she says.

The municipality is co-dependent

Carina Sammeli talks about how SSAB and Luleå grew together after the city adapted to the company.

It will have to continue to a large extent.

- When they change their entire production, it means that we need to do the same.

We need to work together with SSAB to make Luleå attractive, so that people will come who want to live here, says Sammeli (S).

In the clip you will hear about the future labor market in Luleå.