A group of about 25 students has occupied the largest lecture hall at the University of Marburg.

They have been in the so-called Audimax since Monday afternoon.

With their action, they want to draw attention to the climate crisis and call on politicians to act.

Despite the occupancy, lectures could take place in the hall - according to the university, however, individual departments have opted for a digital format in order to avoid the occupied Audimax.

Carlota Brandis


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The group demands that the university include the topic of climate justice in the curricula and treat it in an interdisciplinary way.

According to the squatters, the university executive committee has shown itself to be "cooperative" and they have already entered into a dialogue.

According to the students, there would still be no clear end to their protest action.

The spokeswoman for the university said “the presidium will tolerate the current situation until Wednesday evening.

Then there will be further talks.”

The organization "End Fossil:Occupy!" calls on students and schoolchildren worldwide to occupy their institutions in the name of climate protection.

For example, universities and schools in Göttingen and Leipzig have already been occupied in recent weeks.

The group of students in Marburg also followed his call.