When the investigation into the manager in Ronneby that SVT Nyheter Blekinge reviewed in several reports was presented on Tuesday, it emerged that three of the twelve reported incidents could be classified as violations within the meaning of the law.

"Will work forward"

The report also describes a harmful gossip culture and that clear boundaries are needed regarding the distribution of roles between employees and managers.

- I trust that the administration has understood the seriousness of what has emerged and will work to move forward in this, says Sara Blixt.

Recommended dating policy

The report gives several suggestions on how the municipality should work to deal with the problems.

Among other things, the municipality is recommended to introduce a socializing policy.

- The investigation has clearly shown that some kind of guidelines are needed in these matters, says Sara Blixt.

If a socializing policy or other measures are needed in the municipality, the administration must now investigate further.

Hear more in the video above.