Elisa Ramundo

, 44 ​​years old from Padua, is a top manager in the legal sector.

Her love for her profession led her to the United States. 

At 29,

like a tsunami, the diagnosis of cancer overwhelms his young life


Elisa is currently in Rome, she works in a law firm in the city and is planning her move to the United States to attend a

master's degree at the University of Chicago


Elisa initially underestimates the pain in the abdomen and blood in the stool but at some point the symptoms intensify and the colonoscopy reveals colon cancer.

"I never smoked a cigarette or drank alcohol, I was always careful and there were no other cases in the family", she says- "It was June 2008, I received the diagnosis with my sister, while she was crying I asked the doctor the timing of the intervention, because

America was waiting for me in September


“It was a tiring journey - she confesses -

I spent my thirtieth year in the hospital, nailed to a bed


One day I asked my mother:

Mom, do you think I'll smile again?


Due to her illness, Elisa is forced to undergo

two operations


eight cycles of combined chemotherapy

at the San Raffele hospital in Milan.

She undergoes

experimental chemo

, precisely because of her young age and particularly aggressive cancer.

If it weren't for research, I wouldn't be here

” She says moved and she says “

After cancer

, it's not all downhill.

I was lucky, it is true, but

you are afraid to trust life again


Instead we must continue to trust in life and to bet in life, to invest ".

And he launches an appeal: “We need to talk about cancer and research to make this disease more and more curable.

We all invest in our future, even 50 cents, even 1 euro is the best investment for the future ".

Today Elisa treasures her experience and is grateful for the research, for the progress that has given her a new existence.

The experience of cancer is always present but she, with strength and a lot of courage, she did not give up on her biggest dream, America.

Rai and the Airc Foundation against cancer


From 6 to 13 November 2022 the

information campaign

"Days of Research" is back, involving TV, radio, web and social networks.

Thanks to the

solidarity number 45521

it will be possible to collect


to invest in

innovative projects

for the treatment of cancer and in training and specialization programs for

young science talents in

our country. 


AIRC poster