Leaders cannot afford to fall apart, lose composure, or become overly sensitive.

They must drive well, no matter the crises.

In this context, Keri Siggins, consultant, speaker, author, and CEO of StoneAge Inc, writes about how to develop into a highly capable leader and recommends 5 ways to achieve this.

At the beginning of an article on the "Entrepreneur" website, Siggins said that leadership is a difficult task.

Despite the success and the glory that leadership sometimes brings, it can put its owners at lower levels than they can be believed.

A leader can feel lonely on the job, especially when he has to make unpopular decisions, admit his failures and face regular questioning and criticism.

She adds that all leaders have to deal with stress, but the best leaders handle the ups and downs with ease.

They weren't bothered by problems, and they went through them wisely, and it's not always easy to do.

She knows from experience what it feels like to receive harsh feedback or be forced into a decision that negatively affects people, and knows what it is like when a well-thought-out plan does not achieve the desired or expected result, and disappointment, frustration and insecurity can lead to a breakdown in leadership.

Here are 5 ways the author recommends to boost your abilities when the going gets tough:

be firm

Assertiveness is a characteristic of leadership, which is often overlooked, but is necessary to weather difficult situations.

You must be firm in your vision and flexible decision-making.

Siggins says the uncertainty was intolerable during the early days of the epidemic;

Like many other leaders, I had to make difficult decisions about expenses and staffing.

I didn't want to fire anyone, but I also knew I had to protect the company in the long run.

As I planned the scenario, I kept one thing up front, and that was my determination to move past the downsizing;

I was determined to keep my balance sheet in good shape and to lead my team with transparency, empathy and strength.

This determination helped with my decisions and kept me focused and resolute.

I know when to say enough

The flip side of determination is knowing when to say "It doesn't work."

Flexibility is not about constantly moving forward;

Flexibility also means the ability to let go and move on.

There are times when you have to be tough enough to back off, give up, or change your mind.

Getting laid off isn't easy, especially if you've put your time, effort, and reputation on the line.

Humans tend to think they are right, especially when they express their opinions.

But don't insist on something just because you think you're right.

And even if you're right, there is a cost in your path.

The toughest leaders know when to let go and move on.

A leader's job is to make good decisions for his team and company, not to manage people's opinions (Shutterstock)

looking for the truth

It is normal to be on the defensive when receiving harsh reactions or unpleasant news.

But that doesn't mean you should allow yourself to be on the defensive just because it's a natural response.

If you want to get tougher as a leader, you must treat yourself wisely when hearing difficult things.

My trick to this, says Siggins, is to look for the truth in my information.

Recently, I hired a consultant to conduct an assessment of the leadership competency of my executive team and myself.

When reviewing my results, he told me, “The reason the company isn't growing faster is because it's slow to evaluate the people on your team and tell them they don't have what it takes to go to the next level. You allow yourself to ignore things for too long. Notes and be more direct.

Siggins continued, his words were stinging, I tended to stand up for myself and would say I give people's opinions all the time, and that I'm not afraid of these conversations.

Instead of uttering these thoughts, I analyzed his statements.

I split the kind of comments I gave people, and I could see that he was right.

I give poor performers plenty of opportunities to turn things around.

I also believe that people can develop into their roles and exceed their current capabilities with enough hard work and desire.

But this is not always the case.

I let people flounder in roles for too long, which ultimately hurt the company.

I searched for the truth in his words and countered the reactions with action, she added.

I resolved not to let her hinder the company or me in the future.

looking for gratitude

When most people think of gratitude, they envision what they are grateful for in life, such as family, health, and possessions.

Practicing the most profound gratitude is considered to be grateful for the hardships in life as well.

If you want to be a strong leader, you must look for the good that comes from difficult situations.

When I face difficulties, I focus on the life lessons I am learning and the development that will come from overcoming obstacles and difficult times.

I use adversity to build stronger relationships and learn more about myself and others.

Stop pitying yourself

Exceptional leadership requires you to stop feeling sorry for yourself;

Being a leader is hard, sometimes you won't be thanked.

But that's what you agreed to when you wanted to make an impact.

You should stop taking things personally and let things go their way.

Don't complain about the situations you face.

Everyone will have an opinion about you.

Your job is to make good decisions for your team and company, not to manage people's opinions.

Your task is to design what it's like to take notes well.

Your job is to drive, so drive with confidence.

Always vow to be calm and awake.

Take responsibility for everything that happens to you, your team, and your company.

With leadership comes great responsibility;

Responsibility to make good decisions.

Be transparent, give and receive feedback, and endure setbacks and disappointments.

To be a great leader, you have to be more solid.

Hardness does not mean toughness.

It means finding the right place between empathy, self-care, resilience, determination, self-determination and determination.