The mid-term elections, which determine the direction of American politics, have been fiercely contested, with President Biden, former President Obama, and former President Trump all in attendance, but voting will begin on the night of the 8th in Japan time.

The House of Representatives is dominated by the opposition Republicans, while the Senate is in a fierce battle for a majority.

Midterm elections in the United States are elections such as the United States Congress held in the middle year of the presidential election every four years, and this year, 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives will be re-elected.

Voting will begin on the 8th local time and 8:00 pm Japan time in states in the eastern United States.

In Congress, the ruling party, the Democratic Party, currently holds the initiative in both houses of Congress, but preliminary opinion polls show that the opposition party, the Republican Party, is gaining the upper hand in the House of Representatives and is on track to secure a majority of seats, while the Senate There is fierce competition for securing the majority.

In the election campaign, in addition to President Biden, former President Obama, who is still very popular, visited the battleground states and took up the issue of artificial abortion. He called for support, claiming that ``democracy is under threat'' for not accepting the election results.

In response, the Republican Party appealed for support, with Mr. Trump visiting various places and criticizing the Democratic and Biden administrations for causing record inflation, an influx of illegal immigrants, and an increase in crime.

In this election, Mr. Trump, who has a strong desire to run for the presidential election two years later, supports more than 200 Republican candidates in both houses of Congress and other places. There is also a great deal of interest in candidate election results.