
remains strongly convinced of the

commitment to decarbonization, 

in compliance with the COP Paris objectives and“

will do its part


Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

says this

in her speech at


in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in front of the audience of delegates and representatives of the States. 

"We must develop energy by diversifying it and in

close collaboration with African countries

" then adds the Prime Minister.

"We are in a

decisive moment

in the fight against climate change, in recent months we have experienced

dramatic effects

in many regions of the planet, we are

called to do more

and faster to protect the climate" adds the Italian premier.

We need a "

just energy transition

", continues Giorgia Meloni, followed among others in the audience by the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security

Gilberto Pichetto Fratin


"We know what climate disasters are like, we have seen it, especially due to hydrogeological instability," the premier continues.

“Fighting against climate change is a

common effort
