The outgoing Frankfurt Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann (SPD) has complained about his party's behavior towards him in the past few months.

Feldmann said at a press conference on Monday that he wished he would be treated differently.

"Very careful" was not all this.

However, he believes that the SPD has “a certain affinity for such things”.

Feldmann referred to the cases of Kurt Beck, Andrea Nahles and Gerhard Schröder.

When asked what his biggest misjudgment was in recent months, Feldmann said he believed his party had his back.

When asked whether he would remain a member of the SPD, Feldmann said he did not want to answer it "now".

Manfred Koehler

Head of department of the Rhein-Main editorial team of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

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His interest in socialist politics is still great.

Feldmann answered the question of whether he wanted to become a member of the left instead by saying that "at the moment" it was not for him.

Left-wing politicians had supported him before the referendum last Sunday.

Feldmann went on to say that he would remain a political person and that he would continue to be involved in Frankfurt.

As examples he mentioned his preoccupation with the history of the city, especially its internationality, and the history of the Paulskirche.

He also has "enchanting daughters" that he hopes to have more time for in the future.

Feldmann called it a mistake that he didn't express himself more confidently when the talk of his wife's employment as head of the day-care center first came up.

He doesn't want to trivialize anything, but everything always revolves around "the same thing", namely the "car story" and the salary classification.

According to Feldmann, he should have simply said, "It's just the way it is", there would have been a "shitstorm" for a week.

The Lord Mayor added, "much of what was alleged was very hurtful, that was also demeaning".

He is not corrupt, he has not enriched himself.

But "of course it's like that, if you lose an election, that also has to do with mistakes".

Feldmann stated that he was proud of what had been achieved.

He focused on housing construction and the rent freeze, the parents were relieved of the daycare contributions, and local public transport was cheaper.

Of course, he did not achieve this alone, but together with tenant initiatives, for example.

It is important to him that Frankfurt remains affordable, that nobody has to be afraid of freezing in the coming winter.

He also wishes respect for the families.

The outgoing mayor explained that he would not want to miss a single day of his term of office.

"It was a challenging, exciting task."