
UN Secretary-General Guterres pointed out that the current climate crisis is "a situation in which we are on the highway to hell and stepping on the accelerator."

At the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Change Convention held in Egypt, the leaders of major greenhouse gas emission countries were not present, and voices calling for countermeasures were poured out.

Kwak Sang-eun is a correspondent in Paris.


UN Secretary-General Guterres, who attended the meeting of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, was concerned that the climate crisis was heading to an irreversible point.

He said that it was as if he was stepping on the accelerator on the high road to hell, and he urged the United States and China, in particular, to provide financial support for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from developing countries.

[Guterres/UN Secretary-General: Humanity must choose between making a solidarity pact in the face of the climate crisis or going down the path of collective destruction.]

In this climate change conference, the damage suffered by developing countries due to anthropogenic climate change will be discussed. Compensation from developed countries will be discussed for the first time.

However, at the high-level meeting held for two days yesterday (7th) and today, the leaders of major greenhouse gas emission countries were not found.

President Xi Jinping of China and Prime Minister Modi of India both announced their absence, and President Joe Biden of the United States is expected to arrive late on the 11th due to the midterm election schedule.

On the other hand, African and Asian leaders suffering from climate disasters, including Pakistan's Prime Minister Sharif, who lost 1,700 lives in this year's great flood, attended and repeatedly urged advanced countries to play an active role.