CDU leader Friedrich Merz wants to move a bit towards the traffic light parties in the dispute over the planned citizens' allowance.

The Union faction leader said on Sunday evening in the ARD "Tagesthemen" that he wanted to "take a bit of the sharpness out of this discussion".

On Monday he will propose to the CDU party executive and the executive of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group that “we offer the federal government to make a binding decision by the German Bundestag on raising the standard rates this week”.

The rates that apply to the old Hartz IV system must be raised as soon as possible.

That must be done by January 1 at the latest.

"And then we have to talk about this system change that is being made with this so-called citizen money," he said.

Merz referred to the planned protective assets and waiting periods, with which the Union did not agree.

According to the plans of the federal government, the citizen's income is to replace the previous basic security system Hartz IV on January 1st.

The aim is to put those affected in a position to be able to concentrate more on further training and looking for work.

They should be put under less pressure by the job center.

The standard rates of basic security should increase.

Single people should receive 502 euros a month and young people 420 euros.

Today, single people receive 449 euros.

The Union had threatened to block the introduction of citizen's income in the Bundesrat, and was also dissatisfied with recently proposed changes to the traffic light.

Among other things, she fears abuse of benefits and the abandonment of the “principle of demanding and promoting”.