A three-year-old girl died last September in a hospital in Ecija (Seville) after going to the hospital several times after being intervened for vegetations.

The parents, who are unable to understand how this fatal outcome occurred and who claim that

the health center has not given them an explanation about what happened

, are considering filing criminal proceedings as they understand that the facts may constitute a

crime of manslaughter by imprudence.

While awaiting the results of the autopsy and according to the theory of Bufete Osuna, a law firm that represents the family, the girl

"burst an artery when she was supposedly fine

, and arrived at the hospital with a cardiorespiratory arrest because she empty of blood.

The little girl had tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy that caused nasal respiratory difficulty and night snoring, so it was decided to undergo surgery to solve it.

The operation, a tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy, was performed under general anesthesia on September 19 at the

High Resolution Hospital in the town of Astigitana


Although the surgical intervention would end at 10:32 a.m., the minor and her parents would not leave the hospital for her home until 6:00 p.m.

From Bufete Osuna stand out as data of interest, on the one hand, that the girl underwent surgery without a previous blood test.

And on the other, that she was not only discharged without the corresponding review by the person in charge of the surgical intervention, but that he himself did not leave indications on the minor's health card of the medication that should be administered to her in the postoperative period.

One day after the intervention, around 6:20 in the morning, the parents went to the hospital urgently because the girl was not in good condition.

Since she could not take oral antibiotics, she was prescribed paracetamol suppositories and

was discharged, she explains, just twenty minutes after her admission.

Two days later, on September 23,

she was taken back to the emergency room

because she was pale, she did not speak and she did not swallow.


fifty minutes later she is discharged home.

In the early morning of September 24, after having suffered a serious hemorrhage at her home, she was taken

for the third time to the Ecija hospital emergency room.

On this occasion, the minor enters

unconscious and with cardiorespiratory arrest.

The emergency report details, as indicated by the Osuna Law Firm, that the patient was "in poor general condition, pale, pulseless, infrequent, unreactive and mydriatic pupils" and that she had a cough with abundant bleeding in the upper airways and esophagus .

And the diagnosis, "hypovolemic postoperative shock."

Despite the seriousness of the situation, the minor was not

transferred to the Virgen del Rocío Hospital in Seville

until three hours later, specifically at 8:14 in the morning in a

medicalized ambulance.

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  • Malaga

  • Childhood