The government wants to invest SEK 685 million in teaching materials in 2023. After that, it plans to invest SEK 555 million per year in 2024 and 2025.

Lotta Edholm says that teaching materials are one of the most important issues for schools right now, and that access to textbooks differs between schools today.

But exactly how the money will be distributed in practice has not been finalized.

- It will apply to both high school and primary school, but we will come back more precisely to how this money should be distributed.

1.1 million children attended primary school alone during the 2020/2021 school year.

According to Lotta Edholm, there will be a build-up process before the investments take full effect in the schools.

- I don't think you should expect that from day one you will have full access to textbooks in every single subject in every single classroom.

But the ambition is clearly that all students should have access to good textbooks.

Invests 5 million in skills development

The government also wants to invest money in Läslyftet, a competence development that will lead to in-depth learning in the language.

In the budget for 2023, they want to invest SEK 5 million.

Lotta Edholm says that approximately 25 percent of Sweden's teachers have undergone the Reading Lift today.

- The idea is that the money should now increase every year so that more teachers have access to Läslyftet, which has actually proven to be a very good competence development investment.

More teachers simply need to get access to it.