The motorized brigade of the municipal police had to intervene this Saturday on the sidelines of a wedding celebrated in Valence (Drôme).

Accompanied by the national police, the officials fined several guests who had been guilty of various offenses and excesses, says

Le Dauphiné Libéré


24 reports were thus drawn up, for a total amount of almost 3,000 euros.

Faced with the proliferation of acts of incivility observed in the context of wedding celebrations in the municipality, Valence made it compulsory several years ago to sign a contract of engagement for the future spouses.

They promise to respect the rules of good conduct during the movement in procession to the town hall.

The town hall explained that many residents had been “appalled” by the overflows of the guests this Saturday.

She said that the cars of the bride and groom and their relatives had blocked traffic and that the guests had generated several types of nuisance, bothering local residents and passers-by.


Pontoise: A deposit of 1,000 euros requested from the bride and groom to avoid incivility


Bas-Rhin: The author of the blank shots during the procession of a condemned marriage

  • Valence

  • Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

  • Wedding

  • Fine