The health care situation at Sunderby hospital is very strained and the Norrbotten region is looking for solutions to improve the situation, according to a press release that came last night.

But many of the staff have now had enough of stress and what they perceive as a poor working environment,

- I have quit my job.

It was a big and sad decision for me, but a necessary one.

I love my workplace.

When it works as it should, it's the best workplace in the world, but seeing these patients get hurt hurts me all over, says assistant nurse Christina Berg at the emergency department.

"Cried when I went home from work"

And her colleague Nadja Ståhl is considering quitting because of the current situation, she also believes that more people will do the same.

- I cried when I went home from work the other day because I feel inadequate.

"The situation is really awkward"

The person quoted in the press release was Mattias Josefsson, director of operations for the county's emergency departments and IVAK units.

"We don't have enough staffed care places at the hospital.

This means that patients are forced to remain in the emergency room while the influx of people continues.

The situation is really awkward and has led to long waiting times," he says.

SVT Nyheter Norrbotten has sought him several times during Tuesday for an interview, but has not been able to reach him.