"At 13, my daughter experienced emotional abuse, bullying and isolation from her instructor

. "

This is how the mother of a 'butterfly' tells her experience to


, an association that protects athletes from abuse in sport. 

"Public humiliations and mortifications, in front of her companions, in order to demolish her self-esteem, to the point of making her stop", she


the woman in reading

"with dismay the complaints that follow one another"

about the world of gymnastics.

The denunciation of the two sisters from Brescia

may have lifted the lid of a real 'Pandora's box', for now being examined only by the judiciary of the Lombard city and to the attention of the top management of CONI and Minister Abodi.

"I would never have imagined that those who teach sports could abuse their role

- concluded the mother of this young ex gymnast in her complaint -

sport forms the character, it does not destroy it".