At the University of Tromsö, there were no suspicions whatsoever against the man who came as a visiting researcher in December last year.

With a degree from a Canadian university, where he had good references, he had received a scholarship to do further research in Northern Norway, Aftenposten reports.

The man expressed a great interest in the security policy situation in the Arctic region and wanted to research the Arctic around the Barents Sea.

- He talked about how he liked cold and winter much more than heat.

He was very flexible, always had a lot of humor.

And so he was very curious.

says Marcela Douglas, director of the institution where he worked.

According to NRK, he had also applied to the university in Bodö, but there he had been refused.

Illegalist – educated and trained

The man is said to be between 30 and 40 years old and claims to be a Brazilian citizen.

But according to the Norwegian security police PST, it is a false identity - he has in fact been sent as a spy for Russia.

This is the first time that a suspected so-called illegalist – a sleeper agent – ​​has been arrested in Norway.

According to PST, the man poses a threat to Norway's national security.

- This is a person who is educated and trained, and who has created a life story that may have been built up over many years.

It is a completely different type of mission than that of typical intelligence officers, says PST's head of communications Trond Haugbakken to VG.

The man is not the subject of a criminal investigation but a deportation case.

In a first step, he has been put in custody for four weeks.

The suspected spy denies all accusations and is adamant that he only stayed in Norway as a visiting researcher.

Engaged politically – in Canada

Even in Canada, the man's activities will now be scrutinized.

There, among other things, he wrote an article in a military magazine in which he argued for the construction of a new military base in the Arctic, Canadian media reports.

Seven years ago, he was a volunteer campaign worker for a local politician who represents the New Democratic Party, a centrist party challenging Canada's two traditional largest parties.

- He had a very impressive CV, says the politician to the CBC.

The two have not been in contact since, but the local politician remembers that the now suspected spy was a good speaker.

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Hear deputy head of PST Hedvig Moe talk about the security threat to Norway.

Photo: NRK