• Events A farmer kills a local policeman and a neighbor before being shot after arguing with his father

  • Profile Alfonso, the double murderer of Argamasilla: an expert with weapons and with consequences for a traffic accident

“The man was in the middle of the road covered in blood and was gesturing for me to stop.

At first he believed it had been a car accident and that they had fled.

Who would have thought that they were firing shots?

This is how Antonio López


the story of what happened this Wednesday in

Argamasilla de Calatrava

(Ciudad Real).

Second deputy mayor of the neighboring town of

Villamayor de Calatrava

(about six hundred inhabitants), was driving around 10:30 am on the road that runs in front of the chale where Alfonso, 50, claimed three lives.

Antonio López was the first to arrive at the scene.

The one who asked him for help covered in blood was the father of the man who wielded the weapon, also called


, 81, who had had, according to the reconstruction of the events, an argument over some matter related to the land, which triggered the tragedy.

"When I got out of the car I saw another man who was lying face down in the gutter, if not dead, almost dead," Antonio continues the story.

It was

Jose Luis

, a farmer in his 60s from Argamasilla who farmed nearby, came when he heard the heated dispute.

“I got out of the car and I already heard the shots.

I saw him shooting behind the fence of the chalet, in some trees.

The father told me: 'Get down, get down, my son is going to kill us.'

So I got behind the car while he kept shooting, two hits hit my car.

Immediately the

Civil Guard

and the medical services arrived, which had already been notified, but they could not pick up the wounded man because he kept firing shots left and right.

Until they controlled it a bit, they couldn't get the father and the man out of the gutter.

I was there for about five minutes and they already told me to leave," ends Antonio López, who is still not believed to have been unharmed.

Alfonso, the alleged murderer (left), along with his father, also named Alfonso, who was injured in the shooting.EM

«Luckily, because he could have given me a whipping.

It's luck of the draw or it's not your day because I could have perfectly shot myself," he says.

Shooting next to the AVE tracks

In addition to the farmer, Alfonso claimed the life of a local police officer from Argamasilla, a town of

6,000 inhabitants


The shooting occurred in an agricultural area, next to the


tracks , but just one kilometer from the center.

Alejandro Congosto

, 41, married and father of a girl, had gone there

, whom he hit with a shot to the head.

Before being shot down by the security forces, Alfonso also left three wounded: a colleague of the deceased local police officer, who received a bullet in the abdomen;

a Civil Guard, shot in the leg, and his own father's, who had no gunshot wounds.

Just a few hits to the head and minor bruises.

The two agents underwent surgery at the

Santa Bárbara hospital

, in


, an industrial city and regional capital, with almost 50,000 inhabitants.

The place where the events occurred is just halfway between Villamayor and Puertollano, seven kilometers from each town.

The two agents were out of danger yesterday, under observation.

Their evacuation was possible thanks to the fact that a patrol from the Puertollano National Police, requested by their colleagues from Argamasilla, moved to the area and barricaded their vehicle in front of them, protecting them from the bullets and thus saving their lives.

Dressed in white hospital pajamas, after four in the afternoon, about six hours after the event, Alfonso returned by ambulance to his country house, guarded at that time by the Civil Guard.

An hour later, the medicalized vehicle left the farm, presumably with Alfonso inside.

While the criminalistics specialists examined the farm, the agents who controlled the passage made the friends of the family who tried to approach the chalet turn around.

Among them, Paco, a resident of Ciudad Real (about 30 km away), the city where Alfonso lived before moving to the country house in Argamasilla de Calatrava, which he shared with his son.

"As if he were a father to me, I have come to this chalet a lot," said the man.

Agents of the Civil Guard inspect the scene of the event. CARLOS GARCÍA POZO

Alfonso Sr., a native of the


area (Córdoba), had been a field guard before retiring, and also a hunter, hence the fact that there was a rifle in the house.

«He wanted to get rid of it for a long time, he wanted to sell it to me: 'Paco, why don't you keep it?'

But it didn't suit me and I didn't want it.

If I had smelled that he was going to happen this I would have kept it ».

accident two years ago

Paco had heard the news of the shooting on the radio, but he had no idea that his friends were the protagonists.

He found out when he arrived from Ciudad Real to Argamasilla.

"They got along great, they had a very good relationship, the son was very affectionate, I don't know what could have happened," he detailed, still incredulous.

He was also referring to the serious accident that the protagonist of the shooting suffered a few years ago and due to which, according to his neighbors and relatives, he suffered serious consequences that caused him to become disabled and admitted to a center.

"The father took him out of there and took care of him," they explained in Villamayor de Calatrava, a town which father and son frequented a lot.

"He was a semi-professional bicycle racer," Paco explained, getting into his car at the gates of the chalet.

"He had an accident with a truck in Segovia, but he was perfect," he added, denying the injuries.

One of the neighbors of the chalets surrounding Alfonso's, however, explained that after the accident he was never the same again, that he lost brain matter and had to undergo a complicated cranial reconstruction operation.

The chief lieutenant colonel of the Civil Guard command in Ciudad Real, who traveled to the area, explained yesterday to the media that the shooter "did not give any option" for the negotiator to approach him to try to appease him. .

"He would shoot anything that was within range of him," he summed up.

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