A phone call betrayed Juana Canal's ex-partner, Jesús PH, the main suspect in the death of this Madrid woman who

had been lost track of for almost 20 years.

She disappeared in February 2003, and until a hiker found some bones in 2019 near Navalacruz (Ávila) -whose DNA matched the victim-

she was not heard from again.

In September of this year the investigation was reactivated and the Police asked the judge for authorization to re-register the house where Juana lived, which is

where they suspect she was murdered

, located on Boldano Street, in the Ciudad Lineal district, in search of clues that would have been overlooked in their day.

Similarly, the magistrate granted them the request to seize the cell phone of the alleged perpetrator.

It was during a call that he unknowingly enunciated "challenging" something that he discovered to her.

As EL MUNDO has learned, in said conversation

he slipped that he did not believe that the Police would catch him.

Among the hypotheses, he did not act alone

So far, several hypotheses are on the table.

In addition to whether or not she was murdered at her home, the authorities believe

that Jesús PH did not act alone


That she could have had an accomplice to help her get the body out of the house and dispose of it in Ávila.

From the beginning, the Police suspected Juana's ex-partner, considering the possibility that it was a

fatal case of gender violence


He left a note at the house for the son of the deceased, where he said that they

had suffered "a strong argument"

and she "has run away."

That she had gone "in search of her, but I have not found her."

Jesús, former partner of Juana.EM

As this newspaper has learned, during the days after his disappearance "he did not worry about anything in the searches."

In addition,

three days after getting lost

, this stallholder reported Juana herself at the Carabanchel police station, saying that she

had assaulted him.

After reactivating the investigation, this past October more bones of Juana were found.

If a femur and a skull had been discovered in 2019,

the other femur and the hip were found

a few days ago .

Among the police theories, it is not ruled out that she could have been dismembered.

Missing poster of Juana.EM

The investigations have been carried out by a joint device of the National Police and the Civil Guard.

In the raids carried out a few days ago

, more than 60 agents of the Police and the armed institute

participated , in addition to expert dogs in the search for biological remains, as well as a georadar and drones that detect changes in the subsoil.

"The arrested person will go to court on Friday," Juan Manuel Medina, a lawyer for the family of the disappeared woman, points out to EL MUNDO, who

will appear at the detainee's statement

in the investigating court number 3 of Ávila.

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