Rishi Sunak, Britain's new prime minister, faces challenges. The government he will form is likely to include fanatical Brexit ministers, but he will inevitably realize the need to change course in a new direction as reality dictates.

This is what political analyst Timothy Garton Ash sees in his column in the British newspaper "The Guardian", in which he sheds light on the political and economic crisis in the United Kingdom and its decline in support of the British exit path from the European Union, known as "Brexit". .

At the beginning of his article, Ash says that the chaotic way in which the prime minister was assigned to Sunak Che at the end of "Brexit" as well as the end of the ideology of delusions about Britain's ability to leave the Union and move forward alone, which culminated in the farce of the government of the outgoing Prime Minister, Liz Terrace, which did not live long.

In the article entitled "The Beginning of the Sunak Era and the End of the Illusions of Britain's Exit from the European Union", the British political analyst points out that reality belies the illusions of the "Brexit" supporters, and that the British people are beginning to realize this fact;

The biggest evidence of this is the decline in popular support for Britain's exit from the European Union, even among those who voted for it after many years.

According to a recent YouGov poll, only 34% of those polled believed that Britain's decision to leave the European Union was correct, while 54% said it was wrong.

The article criticized the vacillating positions of British Conservative prime ministers on Brexit over the past eight years, and also criticized the economic policy pursued by the outgoing Prime Minister, Liz Truss, noting that it set Britain back.

The writer believed that the journey out of the European Union, which began with the slogan "taking back control", ended with a significant level of "loss of control," as he put it.

He concluded that no one knows what will happen tomorrow. One day in the life of British politics is a long time, but the direction the country is heading towards has become clear. Britain has finally begun a long and painful journey back from the illusions of leaving the European Union.