
Former Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak has been confirmed as the new Prime Minister of the UK.

Sunak, a native of Indian descent, became the first Prime Minister of Indian descent in British history and the youngest prime minister in 210 years. 

Correspondent Kwak Sang-eun of Paris reports.

[ Reporter] The

42-year-old former Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak has been elected Britain's next prime minister.

Ex-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson withdrew his intention to run, and by yesterday, the deadline to register for the Conservative Party's leader, only former Minister Sunak completed the registration, and the election was automatically decided.

Sunak, a Hindu of Indian descent, became the first non-white prime minister in British political history and the youngest prime minister in 210 years.

[Rish Sunack/British Prime Minister-nominee: Being able to serve the party I love and to be able to repay the country that made me who I am today is the greatest privilege of my life.]

Although from an immigrant family, I was born into a wealthy family and studied at a prestigious private high school in England and Oxford. He is a typical elite politician who studied at Stanford University in the United States.

In particular, he married the daughter of an Indian billionaire, and the couple is known to be rich, with a fortune of £730 million and KRW 1.19 trillion in Korean money.

During the last primary election process, Prime Minister Truss's 'growth through tax cuts' policy was criticized as a 'fairy tale', but when Prime Minister Truss' tax cuts ended in catastrophe, he was able to succeed in the prime ministership with the evaluation that "Sunak was right in the end."

[Rishi Sunak/British Prime Minister-nominee: Bringing the party and the country together will be our top priority.]

Sunak nominee must first address the economic sequelae left by Prime Minister Truss.

In addition, the Conservative Party, whose approval rating has recently fallen to less than half that of the Labor Party, is also faced with the task of rebuilding it.