A former French minister faced widespread criticism on the communication platforms, after he published a video clip - on his account on "TikTok" - in which he imitates a famous movement of the hero of the series "The Assassin Damer", which was shown by "Netflix" recently.

At the beginning of last month, Netflix launched the series “Dahmer,” which tells the story of the American serial killer and serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed 17 people between 1978 and 1991, was sentenced to 15 consecutive life sentences, and was then killed by another prisoner in 1994 in the United States.

And the former Minister of Transport, Jean-Baptiste Jabbari, published a video clip - through his account on Tik Tok - imitating the movement of the famous serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, according to the series, which achieved wide spread, and topped the views to become among the top ten most watched on Netflix weekly.

Jabbari published the video clip after the government of Elizabeth Borne spoke about passing the Finance Law according to Article 49-3 of the Constitution, without passing under the domes of Parliament, whether the National Assembly or the Senate.

Imaginez qu'un ancien ministre, suivi par des centaines de milliers de personnes, ironise sur le 49-3 en incluant une petite réf à Dahmer, le tueur en série qui a profité du racisme structurel & de l'homophobie pour commettre ses crimes aux USA.

Ouais, je sais…Mais imagine.


— Sihame Assbague (@s_assbague) October 17, 2022

shock and criticism

Tweeters expressed their shock, because of the video, which truly expresses the thought that President Emmanuel Macron brought to France, as they put it.

Tweeters said that the former minister is not aware of the seriousness of what he is doing through his account on Tik Tok, in which he has more than a million followers.

These criticisms prompted the former minister to delete the video clip from his account, after receiving great criticism.

La vidéo de Djebbari a été supprimée après avoir été vue des dizaines de milliers de fois et suscité des centaines de commentaires d'indignation.

— Sihame Assbague (@s_assbague) October 17, 2022

A tweeter named Ibrahim said he was shocked, "How can you joke about a cannibal serial killer who massacred blacks? It's not fiction, it's reality," noting that, in addition to all that, the perpetrator of this order is a former minister of the republic.

Ce type superficiel a été le ministre des transports le plus nul depuis longtemps.

Il a passé son temps à jouer à l'influenceur sur TikTok au lieu de réfléchir à une stratégie nationale de mobilité.

Le résultat, c'est ceci: pic.twitter.com/6NOhHSg4eF

— vince13👀8 🔻 T (@vince13008) October 17, 2022

For his part, another tweeter said that this superficial man - in reference to former minister Jabbari - "was the most useless minister in the Ministry of Transport in a long time, spending his time playing the role of influencer on Tik Tok, rather than thinking about a national mobility strategy." According to the tweeter's description.