A case was born, with relative clash, around a photo of Benito Mussolini exhibited at the Mise, as part of the celebrations for the 90 years of Palazzo Piacentini, together with all the other ministers of the past.

It will be removed "to avoid controversy and exploitation", the Ministry of Economic Development announced in a note, which recalled that another portrait of Mussolini "is also in Palazzo Chigi in the gallery of the presidents of the Council".

The first to trigger the controversy this morning was the Civil Service of the CGIL which denounced a serious fact "for the history of this country is that all this seems to have happened in the presence of the Minister of Economic Development Giorgetti and the former president of the Senato Casellati, which we remember being at the service of the Republic born from the Anti-Fascist Constitution ".

The heated reactions immediately arrived, the first from Pier Luigi Bersani: "I receive news that the photographs of all the ministers, including Mussolini, would be exhibited at the MISE. In case of confirmation, I kindly ask to be exempted and that my photo be removed, "the former Minister of Development of the Prodi government said via Twitter.

"Is there also the Ministry of Defense, that we do cancel culture?", The indirect reply to Bersani of the President of the Senate La Russa.

At this point, the senator of the Democratic Party, Dario Parrini, defines the words of the President of the Senate as "imprudent": "This is an image that has not always been present in Palazzo Piacentini but is now there", he argues.

"Nobody noticed" that Mussolini's photo "is also in Palazzo Chigi, not only at Mise, however if it is a problem we will remove it", replied Giancarlo Giorgetti when asked by reporters at Montecitorio.

"There are all the ministers, alas Mussolini - concludes Giorgetti - he was the prime minister of the corporations".

The reply from Nicola Fratoianni, national secretary of the Italian Left is ready: "Well if Giorgetti doesn't get there, I'll try to explain it to him too: the photo or portrait of Mussolini for what it represents in the history of Italians, at the Ministry of Economic Development does not there must be. The justification is that the photo of the Duce of Fascism is also in Palazzo Chigi? Bad, very bad. Then take the opportunity to remove it from there too ".