See how it is for Doris to take public transport in the clip above.

Doris is in seventh grade at a school in Hisingen.

She takes the bus from Landala every morning, often with friends who go to the same school.

When the bus driver earlier this week urged her to take a ride, she became annoyed.

- I told him and said: "You should know how it works, you drive the bus, after all".

There is an adapted place for wheelchairs.

Västtrafik admits mistakes

After Doris' father drew attention to the incident on social media, Västtrafik contacted the family, and then admitted that the driver had acted incorrectly.

- A driver must always be helpful in folding out the ramp when there is a ramp on board a bus, says Attila Ungvari, bus business manager at Västtrafik.

"Feel more different"

The driver will now be taken in for an individual conversation and the company that runs the bus line will go out with a communication effort for all drivers, according to Västtrafik.

For Doris, the incident was a reminder that she cannot always go to school on the same terms as her friends.

- It makes me feel more different.

I may not be like everyone else but I don't need to be told that.

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Hear Attila Ungvari, bus business manager at Västtrafik, tell about how he thinks the travelers should be treated.

Photo: SVT