The psychiatrist recorded only three days before the suicide of

Isabel Martínez

, 16, that she had "constant death wishes", that she had already suffered an attempted suicide with pills and that she was even considering throwing herself from her house, on a second floor, but he was afraid he wouldn't kill himself.

The young woman "only talked about killing herself", dedicated herself to "visiting graves", suffered from anorexia and bulimia, had been cutting her arms for weeks and debated with the psychiatrist and psychologist who treated her about the most efficient methods of killing herself.

However, no anti-suicide protocol was applied to her beyond putting her in line, with the rest of the patients with mental disorders, to be admitted.

The young woman committed suicide 72 hours later by jumping precisely through the aforementioned window, and her parents denounced negligence on the part of the professionals who treated her, for not quickly cutting her way to death by her own hand, as this newspaper reported this summer.

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No one prevented Isabel's suicide: "My daughter was only talking about killing herself. Why didn't they admit her immediately?"

  • Writing: QUICO ALSEDO

No one prevented Isabel's suicide: "My daughter was only talking about killing herself. Why didn't they admit her immediately?"

Mental health.

Adolescence, depression and suicide after the pandemic: "The system is failing us, hopelessness is increasing"

  • Drafting: RODRIGO TERRASAMadrid


Adolescence, depression and suicide after the pandemic: "The system is failing us, hopelessness is increasing"

Now, Justice rules out even investigating whether there was imprudence on the part of the professionals who did not act more quickly.

Instruction 4 of Requena

(Valencia) has filed the case and the family has appealed: "It is unworthy that they do not even consider it, a shame," says


, the young woman's father, who was 17 years old the day he was killed .

The court limits itself to shelving the case for not seeing evidence of the crime of reckless homicide, the one denounced by the parents, who have not received any response from the

Generalitat de Valencia

, before which they have also denounced the facts.

Only the

Sindic de Greuges

, the ombudsman of Valencia, has been interested in the cause and urges the Administration to give a response.

They accused us of not understanding it, of not understanding anything

Elizabeth's parents

Isabel Martínez's rosary of visits to a psychologist and a psychiatrist at

the Central Hospital of Requena

culminates three days before her suicide.

The transcription that her professional makes of her is terrifying.

"She feels unable to change the current dynamic. She asks for help to get out of this crisis", she leaves in writing.

It is said there that the child, who had drifted towards the consumption of large amounts of marijuana to predictably manage his suffering, deliberates in front of the professional on how to kill himself more effectively, and hesitates to jump out the window "because it can do a lot of damage but not succeed".

Two days earlier, the parents had gone to the psychologist at the same center to ask for help, with no response as well.

Only a month before, the patient had tried to kill herself by ingesting 11 antidepressant pills, for which she had been admitted to the

Hospital de La Fe, in Valencia


But the court does not see in all this evidence that a protocol for suicides had to be necessarily applied, and of the possible responsibility of those who did not carry it out.

"In fact, they even allowed her to drop out of classes in the previous weeks, which messed up her routines," the parents tell EL MUNDO, "and they accused us of not understanding her, of not understanding anything."

And they also relativized the intake of alcohol and drugs: "They said they were things of adolescence."

The parents, in their desperation, came to contact a psychologist from the

Requena City Council

, who saw the young woman and asked them to pass her phone to the two professionals who were treating her, to express her alarm.

These, on the other hand, never called her, explain her parents.

The Court of Instruction 4 of Requena must now respond to the appeal for reform filed by the family, which announces in any case that it will go "wherever it has to go" so that its demands are answered.

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