Start the clip to see Andrei Sabelfeld, professor at Chalmers University of Technology, tell more about the leaked data.

According to Andrej Sabelfeld, the sender of the ad claims to be selling data from 46,000 students and 500 teachers at a total of 230 schools.

The Chalmers professor has taken a closer look at the matter, and shows SVT Nyheter the site where the information was posted.

It was late on Friday afternoon that Gothenburg's elementary school administration came with the news that all Gothenburg's elementary school students' personal data has been leaked from the municipality's learning platform Vklass.

The leak affects 47,000 students and it is confirmed that it has been put up for sale on a website.

The information concerns the students' names, school, schedule and grade.

- I would like to highlight that it is serious, while at the same time it is not privacy-infringing information, said Kristian Johansson, head of security in Gothenburg's Primary School Administration to SVT on Saturday.

Not about any leaked passwords

The ad also states that passwords are for sale - something that both the municipality and the company behind Vklass refute.

- It is a password that is not used, it is not a password that our students log in to, says Kristian Johansson.

The company Vklass refutes information that users' passwords have been leaked and says that all information is such that it is possible to request it.

- It's just bullshit.

No passwords are used in the platform, says the company's CEO Andreas Selling.

According to Andreas Selling, it is only about information that can be requested.