“The Kyiv regime once again showed its terrorist insides by arranging an explosion on the Crimean bridge.

For the puppet Kyiv authorities, acting at the behest of Western puppeteers, it is important to morally disarm the population of Russia, to achieve panic and discord within the country, but these criminal actions have the opposite effect, ”the deputy believes.

The parliamentarian added that "the secret services of Ukraine surreptitiously delivered a brazen blow to an object that is important not only strategically, but is also a symbol of the reunification of Crimea and Russia."

Earlier, Putin said that the undermining of the Crimean bridge was carried out by the special services of Ukraine.

He also called the incident a terrorist attack.

On October 8, at about 06:00 local time, a truck was blown up on the automobile part of the Crimean bridge, as a result of which two spans of the structure partially collapsed.