It was during the declaration period that the administrator was temporarily placed at the Tax Information Office to answer questions from private individuals and companies.

After a complaint from a customer who had been placed on hold, it was discovered that the operator put the majority of calls he received on hold.

Calls end automatically

Pausing means that if the customer does not hang up, the call is automatically ended after a while.

Andreas Sundvall, head of unit at the Tax Agency in the department where the administrator works, believes that this is an exceptional case.

- We regret that it has affected customers in the end, he says.

The case manager is remorseful and explains to the personnel responsibility board that he felt unwell during the period, which is also confirmed by the occupational health service.

He also says that he was working on his regular duties, which has also been confirmed.

Risked losing the job

The Personnel Responsibility Committee believes that the behavior risks "seriously damaging the public's trust in the authority" and that his handling of the telephone calls is seen as refusal to work.

The case manager now receives a salary deduction for 30 days.

According to the employment regulation, the salary deduction is 25 percent of the daily salary.

The case manager risked dismissal, but the board believes that the penalty this time can stop at a substantial salary deduction.

Hear unit manager Andreas Sundvall about how this affected the business.