The trappers Baby Gang and Simba La Rue were arrested along with nine other young people for taking part in a violent brawl with the use of firearms, which took place at dawn on July 3 in the nightlife area of ​​Corso Como in Milan .

According to the joint investigations of the police and the carabinieri, coordinated by the ordinary prosecutor and that of minors, the group linked to the two musicians, Zaccaria Mouhib and Mohamed Lamine Saida, allegedly ambushed two Senegalese boys outside a club in via Alessio di Tocqueville .

During the fight, triggered by a push against a girl, some gunshots were fired which injured the two targets in the legs.

In the attack they were also hit with kicks, punches and crutches used by Simba La Rue due to the attack suffered the previous June.

The two young musicians ended up in prison, on the orders of the investigating judge Salvini, as well as seven other friends of theirs.

House arrest was ordered only for one of the adults.

They are accused, for various reasons, of brawl, injury, aggravated robbery and illegal carrying of a firearm.   

It is already the second time in 2022 that Baby Gang, alias of Zaccaria Mouhib, and Simba La Rue, alias of Mohamed Lamine Saida, are arrested.

The first last February for two alleged robberies, one of which was committed with a gun, between May and July 2021. However, he was released from prison by the review court which had not recognized sufficient elements to justify the precautionary measure.

Against Simba, however, the doors of the San Vittore prison had opened due to the two attacks he allegedly committed as part of a feud with rival trapper Baby Touche '.

In the spiral of attacks and retaliation, the twenty-year-old was the victim of an ambush in Treviolo (Bergamo) in which he was seriously injured in the leg. 

Simba La Rue stabbing: alleged perpetrators arrested in Bergamo 

In another operation, the Bergamo carabinieri carried out a precautionary custody order in prison issued against the 4 alleged perpetrators of an attempted murder against rapper Simba La Rue, stabbed last June 16 in the municipality of Treviolo.

The crime - the military explain - is part of a heated rivalry between rappers: one, the victim, active in the Milanese area and the other active in the Padua area.