Hélène Carréer-Dincours, who is world-famous in the field of Soviet-Russian studies, commented on the widespread opposition to the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, saying that the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan in the past, and the war had turned into a quagmire. Citing the history that this contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, he pointed out that it could lead to the end of the Putin regime.

A historian and French national academic organization "Académie Française"Mr. Carrair Dancos, who is the lifelong secretary general, is known for his work published in 1978 and foreseeing the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Speaking of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, Kareldankos said, "Deep down, Putin despises Ukrainians as people without a national character. It's an imitation," he said, referring to the fact that the former Soviet army played a central role in invading what was then Czechoslovakia and suppressing the "Prague Spring" democratic movement.

And of the growing protests against partial mobilization in Russia, he said, "It's like when the war in Afghanistan once saw a soldier's mother stand up and witness the genuine indignation of Russian society." Drawing on the history that the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union, he noted parallels with the present era.

"History tells us that in Russia, change has always been initiated by turmoil from the bottom up. From the time the military invasion began, I thought this was the beginning of the end for Mr. Putin," he added. He pointed out that this kind of public resistance would create a big wave and could lead to the end of the Putin administration.

On the other hand, while the West is providing military support to Ukraine, regarding the course of Russia's continued aggression, he said, "Although the war will end someday, it is unthinkable that it will end with Russia's complete defeat. For the time being, the United States wants the war to continue. It seems that it is still there, but if it decides to stop it, it will stop.In addition, it will be difficult for China to endure the complete defeat of Russia.Now, China and India are also expressing concerns." I hoped for that.

In addition, referring to the meeting at the Kremlin in 2000, when Putin was inaugurated as president, Carrer-Dankos said, "At the time, he seemed shy and anxious, but power changes people. Power is like that. He admires the Russian empire, Peter the Great, and wants to restructure the empire," said Putin, who will turn 70 on the 7th. He pointed out that he was trying to find and justify his actions in history.