• Justice The Alvia macro-trial begins, an examination of railway safety

  • Galicia Nine years of pain and anger for the victims of the Alvia train

The tension has marked this Wednesday the first session of the trial for the Alvia train accident that left 80 dead and 144 injured in

Santiago de Compostela


The case is finally judged more than nine years later and the victims of the accident show fatigue and weariness due to the judicial delay, while this date has caused a lot of "pain" and "anger" to be removed by what happened.

That nervousness, finally, has resulted in an attack on one of the two defendants, the former director of traffic safety for



Andrés Cortabitarte


This former senior official, co-defendant along with the train driver,

Francisco José Garzón Amo

, arrived at the trial through the back door, avoiding the press and the families and victims who were gathered nearby, but his exit was through the main access and, while leaving the premises of the

City of Culture of Galicia

, the father of one of those who died in the accident, gave him a small blow.

Emotions were running high at the time.

Cortabitarte walked surrounded by journalists and his legal team and, at a very short distance, relatives and victims shouted "80 dead that he carried away, with their families, with their mothers, with their fathers..." and reproached him for having hidden. hours before: "now you show your face".

At that time, this man hit him on the back of the head.

Andrés Cortabitarte, former director of Adif Security (in the foreground), and the driver of the Alvia that derailed, Francisco José Garzón Amo, during the trial.Lavandeira jrEFE

The aggression was brief, immediately the rest of the relatives asked him to calm down and the National Police, which guarantees the security of the act, identified him.

He is a man whose daughter passed away on July 23, 2013 in the accident.

After the attack, and to questions from the media about what happened, the president of the majority association of victims,

Jesús Domínguez

, replied that "the violence, obviously, is not justified."

Next, he called for reflection: "You have to put yourself in the shoes of a father who has lost his daughter and feels helpless by the system."

Also Domínguez, in the morning, after seeing how Cortabitarte eluded victims and journalists while the other defendant entered through the front door, had criticized his behavior.

"Garzón has shown his face and has apologized and Cortabitarte has done what the Ministry and Adif have done, hide and hide the truth," he said.

He considered it "something very symbolic" that "reflects very well what has happened and what we have suffered in these last nine years."

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  • Santiago de Compostela

  • National Police

  • Train accident in Santiago