The Ministry of Justice has forwarded to Brazil the extradition request for the former Milan striker Robinho, who was definitively sentenced, with a friend, on January 19 to 9 years in prison for group sexual violence against a 23-year-old Albanian.

The girl on the night of January 22, 2013 was celebrating her birthday in a club.

To abuse her would have been other people who have made themselves unavailable.

The execution office of the Milanese prosecutor was informed of the extradition request to Italy of the former Rossoneri playmaker, which in recent months has issued an international arrest warrant, with deeds signed by the prosecutor Adriana Blasco. 

The story

In February, the prosecutor had forwarded to the Ministry the extradition request and the international arrest warrant for the former attacker and his friend Ricardo Falco, both in Brazil.

In recent months there have been contacts between the Italian and Brazilian authorities and it is likely that it was then formally indicated by Brazil where the former Milan player is located and consequently Italy sent the arrest warrant documents, not performed when there was a request to extradite Robson de Souza Santos, 38 years old and four seasons with the Rossoneri between 2010 and 2014, and his friend.

It is very likely that the two will not be handed over because the Brazilian Constitution does not allow the extradition of its citizens.

Now, however, it will be up to the Brazilian authorities to respond to the Italian request.

The Supreme Court had made definitive the 9 years decided by the Milanese Court, after the investigation of the Prosecutor Stefano Ammendola, and confirmed by the Court of Appeal.

For the former attacker and his friend, no precautionary measures had been issued during the investigation, while other men, who would have taken part in the violence, had not been found.

The facts

According to the investigations, the former Brazilian star would have made the girl drink to the point of making her unconscious and the group would have raped her in turn, without her being able to object, in a wardrobe of a nightclub in the Milanese nightlife, where the young he was celebrating his birthday.

The deputy PG of Milan Cuno Tarfusser in the appeal process had asked for confirmation of the sentences.

The reasons

In the reasons for the sentence, the Court wrote that the former tip and her "accomplices", four people who cannot be found, showed "particular contempt" for "the victim who was brutally humiliated". 

The reaction of the Santos team

For this affair, Santos, the carioca team for which the player had returned to play, had decided to suspend Robinho's contract, after wiretapping of the trial had been published in the Brazilian media.