Stéphane Bern SEASON 2022 - 20236:00 p.m., October 03, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who have entered the ring: the wrestler turned actor Lino Ventura, an outstanding comedian who did not have to fight to win on the big screen, but fought long before.

Then a writer who put boxing in his writings, and who also practiced it: the adventurer Jack London who never took the gloves off to tell us about the world as he saw it.

And a former prime minister who has a good right: the boxer from Le Havre, Edouard Philippe.

The guests:

- Philippe Lombard

, journalist

Author of "Lino Ventura, the punch book" (Hugo)

- Jennifer Lesieur,

journalist and biographer

Author of the biography "Jack London" (Editions Libretto), Goncourt Prize for Biography 2008.