Victoria Eriksson works as a physical education teacher at Älvstranden's education center.

She has noticed that students find it difficult to shower without protection.

That is why she herself has been the driving force in the issue of setting up shower protection and has been trying to get it there since 2015.

- It's both that students talk to me about it and it also comes out in interviews that student health does.

Investment in protection in schools and sports halls

After several years without shelter at Älvstranden's education center, it is now planned to build booths in the school's showers.

Hagfors municipality has made a decision to invest in protection in schools and sports halls over a three-year period.

In Värmland, several municipalities have invested in building shelters in the showers, but there are also some schools that have not done so or are in a planning stage.

Hear more from the students and the PE teacher in the clip above.