Joseph Daniel Vandervelde, a 26-year-old from Canada, is currently studying at Qinghai University for Nationalities, where he majors in language teaching as a graduate student.

Since coming to Qinghai in 2017, Joseph has liked the local culture and food very much, and has developed a great interest in all kinds of ramen in the streets and alleys. He has always hoped that he could listen to the story behind the ramen and make another bowl Ramen, you can feel the charm of ramen up close.

Hualong County along the Yellow River is known as the hometown of ramen. Now the ramen industry has been developed to many countries in the whole country and even in the world. Joseph went to Hualong County, Haidong City, Qinghai Province, to explore the story of ramen and feel the local customs. Favor.

Joseph, who made ramen himself, couldn't wait to share it with his good friends abroad. At the same time, he also said that he was looking forward to going abroad to taste Hualong's ramen and see what Hualong's ramen looks like abroad.

(Produced by China News Network)

Responsible editor: [He Sanli]