'Putin stop the war'.

Surprisingly, before the Angelus, Pope Francis once again dedicates his reflections to the war in Ukraine and asks for peace, negotiations and just, agreed and stable solutions.

He turns to Putin and Zelensky and asks them to reach peace as soon as possible.

"I address first of all to the President of the Russian Federation - he said - begging him to stop, also for the love of his people, this spiral of violence and death".

Then the message for the Ukrainian president: "I make a confident appeal to Zelensky so that he is open to serious peace proposals". 

The Pontiff continued by saying: "I renew my appeal so that a ceasefire can be reached immediately: the arms are silent and the conditions are sought to arrive at negotiations capable of leading to solutions not imposed by force, but agreed, just, stable, and such will be if founded on respect for the sacrosanct value of life as well as the sovereignty and territorial integrity of each country, as well as the rights of minorities and legitimate concerns ". 

Finally, Bergoglio underlined the danger of the nuclear threat often mentioned: "There is a real risk of nuclear escalation with catastrophic consequences worldwide", he said, "we live again under the atomic threat, it is absurd".