The announcement that the Sweden Democrats have been awarded several important posts in the Riksdag has created reactions.

To Aftonbladet, Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren (S) says that the allocation of the chairing role in the foreign affairs committee to SD is "scary" and "quite shocking".

The Center Party's party leader Annie Lööf, the Green Party's spokesperson Märta Stenevi and the Left Party's party leader Nooshi Dadgostar have also expressed criticism of the Sweden Democrats' four new chair positions.

According to Aron Emilsson (SD), the high tone risks playing into the hands of authoritarian regimes, such as Russia for example.

- They try to disinform or divide in front of an open curtain instead of gathering us around what are our common challenges and interests right now - to put Sweden and Swedish interests first, says Aron Emilsson (SD) when he comments on the criticism.

See the entire hearing of Aron Emilsson (SD) in SVT's Agenda in the clip above.