The gas leaks in the Baltic Sea

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Hultqvist (S): "Measures have been taken from both the Danish and Swedish sides"

Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist (S) says in SR Ekot that he takes the confirmed leaks in Nord Stream 1 and 2 seriously.

- It is clear that this is a serious incident.

This is also why measures have been taken from both the Danish and Swedish sides.

Above all then with the presence of various marine vessels where we have the coast guard present, he says.

Peter Hultqvist further says that the incident is being followed "very carefully" and contact has been established between the Swedish and Danish navies.

Contact has also been established between the defense ministries.

- We also have continuous contact with the Danish Minister of Defence, he says.

- It is above all about presence in this situation.

Right now it is the Swedish Maritime Administration and the Coast Guard that have the main arrangement.

However, we have a readiness within the navy to go over there if we deem it necessary.

Clarence Franker

SVT Reporter