People with a disability have worse sexual health than the rest of the population, according to a survey made by the project

My sexuality - my right

, which is a collaboration between Funktionsrätt Sweden and RFSU.

A recurring problem among people with a functional variation is desexualization, that is, they are not regarded as sexual beings by those around them.

This in turn leads to many being ashamed of their sexuality, according to

My sexuality - my right


Research also shows that those with a disability are more often exposed to violence than the rest of the population.  

- It happens that relatives try to protect the disabled person from violence by, for example, limiting the number of people they meet.

But it can be a misdirected concern that creates shame.

Many disabled people get the feeling that 'I shouldn't explore my sexuality', says project manager Hanna Öfors.  

To counteract desexualisation,

My sexuality - my right

will start a campaign where they spread positive experiences of sex from people with disabilities.  

- We want to highlight sex from a positive and lustful perspective instead of focusing on what is difficult, says Hanna Öfors.

See Ask the Doctor on SVT Play.