Pierre de Vilno SEASON 2022 - 202320h09, September 23, 2022

Meet Pierre De Vilno, and his guests to relive together the political week of Europe 1, in collaboration with Paris Match and Le JDD.


- Jacques Serais


 journalist in the political service of Europe 1, 

- Manon Querouil-Bruneel


 senior reporter at Paris Match

- Pascal Ceaux


 deputy editorial director of the JDD

- Serge Abiteboul


research director at INRIA and ENS Paris, member of the Arcep college and co-author of

"We are social networks"

(Odile Jacob, 07/09/22)

- Guillaume Perrier


journalist, co-author of "Wolves love mist" (Grasset, September 2022) 

- Franck Papazian

, co-president of the CCAF, author of

 “The Erdogan regime.

A threat to France”

(Robert Laffont / Versilio, September 2022)