• Aragón The PP councilor who threatened and insulted Pablo Iglesias resigns: "It is better to leave you a vegetable than to shoot yourself twice"

  • Politics Podemos asks Pablo Casado if he "consents" that a PP councilor asks Pablo Iglesias to "hit a beating and leave a vegetable"

Pablo Iglesias and Pablo Echenique (Podemos) ask for two and a half years in prison -in total- for the alleged commission of hate crimes and threats against the former PP councilor in Novallas (Zaragoza) Eloy Valero for some comments that the


published on your Facebook account in 2020.

The trial, which was held this Thursday in the City of Justice of the Aragonese capital, has been seen for sentencing and both Iglesias and Echenique have testified by videoconference.

The private accusation of Iglesias has requested a year in prison, in addition to the fine of six euros per day for six months, and another six months in prison and a fine of six euros per day for one month for the crimes of minor and serious threats.

Meanwhile, Echenique's lawyer has asked the judge in the case for a year in prison and a fine of six euros a day for six months for a hate crime.

Through his social networks, Valero warned Iglesias that "it is better to beat yourself up and leave you a vegetable for life because shooting yourself twice is very fast."

Likewise, he called Echenique "miserable rat", "lizard without a tail" or "motorized cockroach".

In June 2020, after the barrage of criticism received for his comments, Valero resigned "so as not to harm his party".

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  • PP

  • Paul Echenique

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  • Justice