At 13:05 local time on September 19, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake occurred in western Mexico.

According to the statistics of the National Seismological Monitoring Center (SSN) of Mexico, as of 19:55 local time that day, a total of 4 aftershocks were recorded.

The strongest aftershock occurred at 14:30 local time with a magnitude of 5.3.

Three other smaller aftershocks followed, with magnitudes of 4.2, 4.0 and 4.1.

  Near the epicenter, the relevant departments of Manzanillo, Colima, on the western Pacific coast of Mexico, monitored the rise in sea level at 15:54 local time after activating a tsunami warning, but no tsunami was formed.

According to the measurements, the sea level has risen by 124 cm.

The local Civil Protection Bureau asked nearby residents to stay away from the beach and prepare for the tsunami.

(Headquarters reporter Sheng Jiadi and Lv Xinglin)