Events were held all over the United States to get citizens to register to vote for the midterm elections in the United States in November this year.

The U.S. midterm elections held in November are elections for the United States Congress, etc., held in the middle year of the presidential election every four years. Focus.

In the United States, citizens over the age of 18 have the right to vote, but in order to vote, it is necessary to apply in advance to the electoral commission of residence and register to vote. Events calling for registration were held in various places as "Registration Day".

Among them, at George Washington University in Washington, D.C., the event organizer called for registration while distributing cards introducing Internet sites where voter registration can be done.

According to the organization that organizes events across the country, one in four eligible voters were not registered to vote in the last presidential election.

An 18-year-old male student who has completed registration said, "There are many important issues in this election, such as whether or not to allow abortion, and I am looking forward to being able to vote."

In addition, the organizer of the event said, ``This year there are many news such as abortion and Ukraine problems, and it seems that it is motivating young people to vote.I hope that the voter turnout will be high.'' I was talking to